Strategic Performance Management NATAX
Leo Kerklaan for NATAX Logistics Inc.
Welcome to the masterclass Performance Management & KPI's !
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Rules of the road
Introduction to the PM & KPI-Masterclass
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To read: a case about agility
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Introduction to The Performance Perspective
Strategy or No Strategy?
You want to perform better. What now?
Three fundamental challenges
Rate your organization
What is strategy? And why is it important?
Question: is there 'one best strategy'?
How to create a strategy?
Question: why do results deteriorate?
Strategy Life Cycle
Questions evoked by the Strategy Life Cycle
Design and manage the strategy
Implementation is key
Apply the strategic management cycle
Assignment Module 1
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Porter on Strategy
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Introduction to Modeling strategy
From documentation led strategy to model based strategy
Why a balanced scorecard needs a strategy map
Routes for modeling strategy
The Strategy House
More about strategic pillars
Example 1 - Strategy House
Example 2 - Strategy House
Example 3 - Strategy House
Strategy House - a Summary
Assignment - Strategy House
Intermezzo - The Strategic Management Cycle
Quiz. What is the true statement?
The Strategy Map
The Strategy Map as a compass for focus and alignment
The Strategy Map shows the chain of value creation
Example 1 - The Strategy Map
Example 2 - The Strategy Map
A generic strategy map structure
Strategy maps - the benefits
Strategy maps - characteristics
Questions about the strategy mapping technique
Assignment - The Strategy Map
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Porter on Purpose
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From strategy to management dashboard
KPI’s - What you will learn
KPI’s - The development challenges
KPIs - Simple examples
Hand in your table - KPIs: Simple examples
KPI's - More examples
Actionable KPI's
The KPI trajectory
Assignment - The KPI trajectory
PI's - Types of KPIs
KPIs - Assignment: The difference between good and bad KPIs
Not all PI's are KPIs
Decompose the strategy in KPIs
Example: ICT-consultancy
Assignment - Identify the result KPIs
The SWD-example; I need some help
The SWD-example; the help I was looking for
Transport company example; I need help again
Transport company example; the help I was looking for
KPI’s - Assignment: Human Resources Development
HR-development; example KPI's
One more thing: the KPI Definition Table
The KPI recipe
Summary and KPI-template
Collect your KPIs on a dashboard
KPIs - Assignment: Find all things wrong
Dashboard based on the strategy house
Dashboard based on the strategy map
Sales dashboard nr. 1
Sales dashboard nr. 2
Assignment - Compare the two sales dashboards
The BIG assignment
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Bernard Marr on KPI's
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Want to be a professional?
Tip 1. Take advice from Deming
Tip 2: Use a framework for strategic thinking
Tip 3: Always use historical data
Tip 4: Exploit opportunities
Tip 5: Play your strengths
Tip 6: Build simple systems
Tip 7: Develop your self as the facilitator of the mapping process in your organization
Tip 8: Develop a time phased action plan
Tip 9: See the game
Final Exam
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The After Course
Get certified with Leo!
Certification - the 4 assignments
Your feedback is valuable
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Want to further improve your Performance Management Capabilities ?