Strategic Performance Management | English
English Course
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The course in a few key words (Slides; no comments)
What do successful organizations do differently in the times of Corona?
Reading - Case study about agility
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Class 1: Reasons for (not) performing
1.1. What is Strategic Performance Management?
Video 1.1. The principle, reasons for not performing. Wrong market? Wrong structure?
1.2.What do you think? Does every organization has a strategy?
1.3. You want to perform better. What now?
Video 1.3. Challenge if you wish to perform better
1.4. Three fundamental challenges
1.5. Rate your organization's strategy readiness
1.6. Assignment - Rate your organization's strategy and develop ideas to improve
Class 2: Is there 'one best strategy'?
2.1. What is strategy?
2.2. Why is strategy important?
Video 2.2. How to safeguard the future?
2.3. What do you think? Is there 'one best strategy'?
2.4. How to create a strategy?
Video 2.4 - Three principles to take in mind when creating a strategy
2.5. Question: why do results deteriorate?
Video 2.5. - Answer: why do results deteriorate?
2.6. Disruption in automotive retail
Class 3: Three (3) fundamental questions
3.1. Strategy Life Cycle
Video 3.1. - Rise and fall of Blackberry; Strategy Life Cycle
3.2. Questions evoked by the Strategy Life Cycle
3.3. Not only Design but also Execution
Video 3.3. - Some more examples - predominant questions
3.4.Execution is key
Video 3.4.1. Explore or exploit
Video 3.4.2. - Business don't change there mind often
3.5. And what...when results are no longer positive?
3.6. Apply the strategy management cycle
Video 3.6. - Apply the strategy management cycle
3.7. More about the SWOT-analysis
3.8. The principle of the SWOT
3.9. First: list the main opportunities and threats
3.10. PEST-analysis, industry analysis
3.11 Second: ligt the strengths and weaknesses
3.12. Assignment Module 1
3.13. Module 1: Test yourself (Quiz)
3.14. Case 'Blockbuster'
3.15. Porter on Strategy
3.16. Why you need strategic thinking
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Class 4: Introduction to Modeling strategy
Video 4 - A strategic concept
4.1. From documentation led strategy to model based strategy
Video 4.1. - A model based strategy
4.2. Why a balanced scorecard needs a strategy map
Video 4.2. - Kaplan and Norton's solution
4.3. Routes for modeling strategy
Class 5: The Strategy House
Video 5 - Challenges as input for building a strategy house
5.1 What strategic pillars to choose?
Video 5.1 Examples of strategy house frameworks based on standard building blocks
Video 5.2. - Examples in the form of a 'house'
5.3. Example - Strategy House of a University
5.4. More about strategic pillars
5.5. Strategy House - A summary
Video 5.5. - The strategy house recipe
5.6. Assignment - Strategy House
5.7. Intermezzo - The Strategic Management Cycle
Video 5.7. - The Strategic Management Cycle
5.8. Quiz. What is the true statement?
Class 6: The Strategy Map
Video 6 - The Strategy Map
6.1. The Strategy Map as a compass for focus and alignment
Video 6.1. - Theory
6.1.1 A real life example
Video 6.1.1 - A real life example - stair lift manufacturer
6.2. The Strategy Map shows the chain of value creation
Video 6.2. - A simple example map for both the private & public sector
Video 6.3. - The Strategy Map of a Stair Lift Manufacturer
Video 6.4. - The Strategy Map of a MBA-institution
6.5. A generic strategy map structure
Video 6.5. - Generic characteristics of strategy maps
6.6. Strategy maps - the benefits
Video 6.6. - They key benefits for the organization
6.7. Strategy maps - characteristics
Video 6.7. - Strategy maps - characteristics
6.8. What do you think? A question about the mapping technique
6.9. An additional example. A medical centre strategy map
6.10. Assignment - The Strategy Map
6.11. Module 1: Test yourself (Quiz)
6.12. Additional information about the strategy map
6.13. Here is what Porter has to say about: Purpose
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Class 7: From strategy to management dashboard
7.1. Why Key Performance Indicators
Video 7.1. - Why KPI's?
7.2. KPI’s - The development challenges
Video 7.2. - The 5 main challenges while developing KPIs.
7.3. KPI’s - SMART
Video 7.3. - So what does the acronym SMART mean?
7.4. KPIs - Simple examples
7.5. KPI's - More examples
Video 7.5. - More examples of KPI's
7.6. Actionable KPI's
Video 7.6. - Make KPIs actionable
7.7. The KPI trajectory
Video 7.7.1. - KPI trajectory for a consulting agency
Video 7.7.2. - KPI trajectory for a web shop
7.8. Assignment - The KPI trajectory - it is your turn!
7.9. Types of KPIs
Video 7.9. - Result-KPIs and the driver KPIs.
7.10. Not all PI's are KPIs
Video 7.10. - The difference between PI and KPI's
7.11. Assignment: Good and bad KPIs
Class 8: Decompose the strategy in KPIs
Video 8 - Decomposing the strategy in KPIs
8.1. Example: ICT-consultancy
Video 8.1. - Example: ICT-consultancy
8.2. Example: Industrial Producer
8.3. Assignment - Identify the KPIs in the given case-organizations
8.4. The SWD-example; I need some help
Video 8.4. - The SWD-example
8.5. The SWD-example; the help I was looking for
8.6. Transport company example; I need help again
Video 8.6. - Transport company example
8.7. Transport company example; the help I was looking for
8.8. KPI’s - Assignment: Human Resources Development
8.9. HR-development; example KPI's
Video 8.9. - Measuring HR-development
8.10. One more thing: the KPI Definition Table
Video 8.10. - The KPI Definition Table
Video 8.11. - The KPI recipe
8.12. KPIs - Assignment: Find all things wrong
Video 8.12. Find all things wrong
8.13. Summary and KPI-template
Video 8.13. - Template explanation
Class 9: Collect your KPIs on a dashboard
Video 9 - Structuring a dashboard
9.1. Dashboard based on the strategy house
Video 9.1. - How to structure a dashboard
9.2 Dashboard based on the strategy map
Video 9.2. - Dashboard based on the strategy map
9.3. Sales dashboard nr. 1
Video 9.3. - Sales dashboard nr. 1
9.4. Sales dashboard nr. 2
Video 9.4. - Sales dashboard nr. 2
9.5. Assignment - Compare the two sales dashboards
9.7. Module 3: Test Yourself (Quiz)
9.9. The BIG assignment
9.10. Additional information: Bernard Marr on KPI's
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Want to be a professional?
Tip 1. Take advice from Deming
Tip 2. See the broad picture
Tip 3. Use historical data for performance evaluation
Tip 4. Exploit opportunities
Tip 5. Play your strengths
Tip 6. Build simple systems
Tip 7. Develop your self as the facilitator of the mapping process in your organization
Tip 8. Start with a time phased action plan
A bit more about tip 8 - good plans answer 5 questions
Tip 9. See the game
A bit more about tip 9 - Transform fear in cooperation
Module 4: Test yourself (Quiz)
Certification requirements (for those who dare!)
Instructions before taking part in the final examination
Final Exam
Bonus - 1:1 Strategy Consult Session
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