Course curriculum

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    Pre Course - Introduction to the Masterclass

    • Welcome in the World of Strategy!

    • Welcome to my masterclass!

    • Setup of the Masterclass

    • What you will learn?

    • Tell us about your self

    • What do you want to learn?

    • More about Leo Kerklaan

    • The course in a few key words (Slides; no comments)

    • What do successful organizations do differently in the times of Corona?

    • Reading - Case study about agility

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    Module 1 -The Performance Perspective

    • Let's start! Download the slides

    • Class 1: Reasons for (not) performing

    • 1.1. What is Strategic Performance Management?

    • Video 1.1. The principle, reasons for not performing. Wrong market? Wrong structure?

    • 1.2.What do you think? Does every organization has a strategy?

    • 1.3. You want to perform better. What now?

    • Video 1.3. Challenge if you wish to perform better

    • 1.4. Three fundamental challenges

    • 1.5. Rate your organization's strategy readiness

    • 1.6. Assignment - Rate your organization's strategy and develop ideas to improve

    • Class 2: Is there 'one best strategy'?

    • 2.1. What is strategy?

    • 2.2. Why is strategy important?

    • Video 2.2. How to safeguard the future?

    • 2.3. What do you think? Is there 'one best strategy'?

    • 2.4. How to create a strategy?

    • Video 2.4 - Three principles to take in mind when creating a strategy

    • 2.5. Question: why do results deteriorate?

    • Video 2.5. - Answer: why do results deteriorate?

    • 2.6. Disruption in automotive retail

    • Class 3: Three (3) fundamental questions

    • 3.1. Strategy Life Cycle

    • Video 3.1. - Rise and fall of Blackberry; Strategy Life Cycle

    • 3.2. Questions evoked by the Strategy Life Cycle

    • 3.3. Not only Design but also Execution

    • Video 3.3. - Some more examples - predominant questions

    • 3.4.Execution is key

    • Video 3.4.1. Explore or exploit

    • Video 3.4.2. - Business don't change there mind often

    • 3.5. And what...when results are no longer positive?

    • 3.6. Apply the strategy management cycle

    • Video 3.6. - Apply the strategy management cycle

    • 3.7. More about the SWOT-analysis

    • 3.8. The principle of the SWOT

    • 3.9. First: list the main opportunities and threats

    • 3.10. PEST-analysis, industry analysis

    • 3.11 Second: ligt the strengths and weaknesses

    • 3.12. Assignment Module 1

    • 3.13. Module 1: Test yourself (Quiz)

    • 3.14. Case 'Blockbuster'

    • 3.15. Porter on Strategy

    • 3.16. Why you need strategic thinking

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    Module 2 - Strategy Mapping

    • Download the slides!

    • Class 4: Introduction to Modeling strategy

    • Video 4 - A strategic concept

    • 4.1. From documentation led strategy to model based strategy

    • Video 4.1. - A model based strategy

    • 4.2. Why a balanced scorecard needs a strategy map

    • Video 4.2. - Kaplan and Norton's solution

    • 4.3. Routes for modeling strategy

    • Class 5: The Strategy House

    • Video 5 - Challenges as input for building a strategy house

    • 5.1 What strategic pillars to choose?

    • Video 5.1 Examples of strategy house frameworks based on standard building blocks

    • Video 5.2. - Examples in the form of a 'house'

    • 5.3. Example - Strategy House of a University

    • 5.4. More about strategic pillars

    • 5.5. Strategy House - A summary

    • Video 5.5. - The strategy house recipe

    • 5.6. Assignment - Strategy House

    • 5.7. Intermezzo - The Strategic Management Cycle

    • Video 5.7. - The Strategic Management Cycle

    • 5.8. Quiz. What is the true statement?

    • Class 6: The Strategy Map

    • Video 6 - The Strategy Map

    • 6.1. The Strategy Map as a compass for focus and alignment

    • Video 6.1. - Theory

    • 6.1.1 A real life example

    • Video 6.1.1 - A real life example - stair lift manufacturer

    • 6.2. The Strategy Map shows the chain of value creation

    • Video 6.2. - A simple example map for both the private & public sector

    • Video 6.3. - The Strategy Map of a Stair Lift Manufacturer

    • Video 6.4. - The Strategy Map of a MBA-institution

    • 6.5. A generic strategy map structure

    • Video 6.5. - Generic characteristics of strategy maps

    • 6.6. Strategy maps - the benefits

    • Video 6.6. - They key benefits for the organization

    • 6.7. Strategy maps - characteristics

    • Video 6.7. - Strategy maps - characteristics

    • 6.8. What do you think? A question about the mapping technique

    • 6.9. An additional example. A medical centre strategy map

    • 6.10. Assignment - The Strategy Map

    • 6.11. Module 1: Test yourself (Quiz)

    • 6.12. Additional information about the strategy map

    • 6.13. Here is what Porter has to say about: Purpose

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    Module 3 - Key Performance Indicators

    • Download the slides!

    • Class 7: From strategy to management dashboard

    • 7.1. Why Key Performance Indicators

    • Video 7.1. - Why KPI's?

    • 7.2. KPI’s - The development challenges

    • Video 7.2. - The 5 main challenges while developing KPIs.

    • 7.3. KPI’s - SMART

    • Video 7.3. - So what does the acronym SMART mean?

    • 7.4. KPIs - Simple examples

    • 7.5. KPI's - More examples

    • Video 7.5. - More examples of KPI's

    • 7.6. Actionable KPI's

    • Video 7.6. - Make KPIs actionable

    • 7.7. The KPI trajectory

    • Video 7.7.1. - KPI trajectory for a consulting agency

    • Video 7.7.2. - KPI trajectory for a web shop

    • 7.8. Assignment - The KPI trajectory - it is your turn!

    • 7.9. Types of KPIs

    • Video 7.9. - Result-KPIs and the driver KPIs.

    • 7.10. Not all PI's are KPIs

    • Video 7.10. - The difference between PI and KPI's

    • 7.11. Assignment: Good and bad KPIs

    • Class 8: Decompose the strategy in KPIs

    • Video 8 - Decomposing the strategy in KPIs

    • 8.1. Example: ICT-consultancy

    • Video 8.1. - Example: ICT-consultancy

    • 8.2. Example: Industrial Producer

    • 8.3. Assignment - Identify the KPIs in the given case-organizations

    • 8.4. The SWD-example; I need some help

    • Video 8.4. - The SWD-example

    • 8.5. The SWD-example; the help I was looking for

    • 8.6. Transport company example; I need help again

    • Video 8.6. - Transport company example

    • 8.7. Transport company example; the help I was looking for

    • 8.8. KPI’s - Assignment: Human Resources Development

    • 8.9. HR-development; example KPI's

    • Video 8.9. - Measuring HR-development

    • 8.10. One more thing: the KPI Definition Table

    • Video 8.10. - The KPI Definition Table

    • Video 8.11. - The KPI recipe

    • 8.12. KPIs - Assignment: Find all things wrong

    • Video 8.12. Find all things wrong

    • 8.13. Summary and KPI-template

    • Video 8.13. - Template explanation

    • Class 9: Collect your KPIs on a dashboard

    • Video 9 - Structuring a dashboard

    • 9.1. Dashboard based on the strategy house

    • Video 9.1. - How to structure a dashboard

    • 9.2 Dashboard based on the strategy map

    • Video 9.2. - Dashboard based on the strategy map

    • 9.3. Sales dashboard nr. 1

    • Video 9.3. - Sales dashboard nr. 1

    • 9.4. Sales dashboard nr. 2

    • Video 9.4. - Sales dashboard nr. 2

    • 9.5. Assignment - Compare the two sales dashboards

    • 9.7. Module 3: Test Yourself (Quiz)

    • 9.9. The BIG assignment

    • 9.10. Additional information: Bernard Marr on KPI's

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    Module 4 - Becoming a Pro?

    • Download the slides!

    • Want to be a professional?

    • Tip 1. Take advice from Deming

    • Tip 2. See the broad picture

    • Tip 3. Use historical data for performance evaluation

    • Tip 4. Exploit opportunities

    • Tip 5. Play your strengths

    • Tip 6. Build simple systems

    • Tip 7. Develop your self as the facilitator of the mapping process in your organization

    • Tip 8. Start with a time phased action plan

    • A bit more about tip 8 - good plans answer 5 questions

    • Tip 9. See the game

    • A bit more about tip 9 - Transform fear in cooperation

    • Module 4: Test yourself (Quiz)

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    Module 5 - Get certified!

    • Certification requirements (for those who dare!)

    • Instructions before taking part in the final examination

    • Final Exam

    • Bonus - 1:1 Strategy Consult Session

    • Your feedback is valuable